
The Advanced Excel workshop is designed for experienced Excel users who want to develop their Excel skills to the peak of the software’s ability in order to reduce time, create professional worksheets faster, and optimize work efficiency. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use and create complex formulas and functions, how to use Pivot Tables, how to create different types of charts to visualize data in the best possible way, and how to protect workbooks and worksheets. Participants will also explore different advanced tools to speed up their work. The workshop includes plenty of hands-on exercises to help participants retain what they have learned to start applying it straight away in the workplace.

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Use advanced formulas for complicated calculations

Present data on the right chart type

Format, manage, and modify all charts

Manage worksheets content professionally

Finish daily tasks in much shorter time


Developed by: Beacon FinTrain

Total Hours: 16 Hrs

Language: English - Bilingual "English & Arabic"

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  • Basic functions, formulas and shortcuts
  • Tips for navigating Excel

  • If and nested if
  • if error
  • sumif
  • sumifs
  • countif
  • Lookup functions
  • Subtotal
  • countifs
  • averageif
  • averageifs

  • PivotTables
  • Sorting and filtering data
  • Advanced filtering
  • Subtotaling and grouping data

  • Create, format, and manage Column chart
  • Create, format, and manage Bar chart
  • Create, format, and manage Pie and Doughnuts Chart
  • Create, format, and manage Line and area Chart
  • Create, format, and manage Combo Chart

  • Create drop lists
  • Remove duplicate
  • Flash fill
  • Concatenate, combine and merge excel files

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Who Should Attend

  • Anyone willing to take their excel skills to the next level.

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Beacon FinTrain prioritizes excellence in every service, ensuring top-notch, reliable, and consistent outcomes that meet and exceed client expectations.


We focus on finance, offering expert knowledge and bespoke solutions that cater to the unique needs of finance professionals in the Middle East and Africa.


Time is money. We respect deadlines, delivering precise and timely results to help our clients stay ahead in the fast-paced financial world.


Beacon FinTrain is a guiding light in finance, providing insightful advice and support to navigate the complexities of financial markets and regulations.


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Adapting to the dynamic finance sector, we offer versatile services and solutions that align with the evolving needs of our clients.