
Financial modeling plays an integral part in business decision-making, with modelers informing key transactions and critical business decisions. To make your way in this AFM preparation program, there is a minimum required level of Excel, you have to be familiar with and regularly using Microsoft Excel, comfortable with using formulas, and know their way around the basic functions of Excel. It is assumed that students will know how to link between worksheets, and create some formulas. These courses are not designed to teach Excel, but rather the use of Excel in a modeling situation. Intermediate level in using Microsoft Excel and Knowledge of Accounting fundamentals are required.

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Build a set of integrated financial statements based on financial accounting principles

Use of Excel functions required for integrated financial statements and performance measures

Structuring error check networks

Build scenarios and sensitivities into models


Developed by: Beacon FinTrain

Total Hours: 32 Hrs

Language: English - Bilingual "English & Arabic"

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What Is Financial Modeling?
What is a Financial Model Used For? What do you need to be competent at to be a financial modeler?
Financial Modeler skills· Best-Practice Principles Architecting What makes a good financial model?
Design and Presentations Features of a strong financial model Tab structure Tips for creating a seamless Financial Model Formula Tips ; Circularity in Financial Model

Logical Functions·
Lookup and Reference Functions
Working with Text and Dates
Macros in Financial Modelling

Main Section in every model
Cover page
Executive summary Headers,Footers, Inputs and assumptions
Assumptions Documentation Methods
Custom Formatting
Data Validation

Building Up the Engine Scenarios
Scenarioso Sensitivities and What-if Analysis
Building Scenarios (Model Application)
Revenue Schedule
Setting up the Revenue Schedule
Completing the Revenue Schedule

All Different Types of Costs
Operating Costs
Cost Schedule
Operating Leverage
Semi Variable Costs
Repeat, Build and Link approach

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Who Should Attend

  • This course is for finance professionals with strong finance and accounting knowledge and intermediate modeling skills. The course is relevant to investors
  • analysts
  • accountants
  • and any other finance professionals responsible for maintaining and developing unfamiliar models or those who want to be able to solve advanced modeling problems.

Why Beacon


Beacon FinTrain prioritizes excellence in every service, ensuring top-notch, reliable, and consistent outcomes that meet and exceed client expectations.


We focus on finance, offering expert knowledge and bespoke solutions that cater to the unique needs of finance professionals in the Middle East and Africa.


Time is money. We respect deadlines, delivering precise and timely results to help our clients stay ahead in the fast-paced financial world.


Beacon FinTrain is a guiding light in finance, providing insightful advice and support to navigate the complexities of financial markets and regulations.


We uphold the highest ethical standards, fostering trust and transparency in all our dealings to build lasting relationships with clients.


Adapting to the dynamic finance sector, we offer versatile services and solutions that align with the evolving needs of our clients.