
Microsoft Power BI is a business analytics service that allows you to visualize data and share insights. It transforms data from various sources to create interactive dashboards and Business Intelligence reports. Power BI, a Microsoft 365 program, will be covered in this course. 

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Analyze and visualizing any amount of data.

Apply how to handle and manage the format of any type of huge data.

Recognize the transforming data from Excel, CSV, any other source.

Determine how to clean up data and transform it to the best version in no time.

Identify Power query editor.


Developed by: Beacon FinTrain

Total Hours: 32 Hrs

Language: English - Bilingual "English & Arabic"

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Introducing Pivot Tables & PivotChart

Analyzing Data with PivotChart

Introducing to Power Query

Connecting to Excel Workbook Files

Connecting to CSV & TEXT Files &

Connecting to Access Files

Transforming Data Using Power Query

Loading Data to the Excel Data Model

Working with Multiple Queries

Power Pivot Capabilities

Understand Data Model Concept

Create Relationships in Data Model

Understand Data Analysis Expression - DAX

Create a Calculated Column

Create a Measure

Row Context

Filter Context

Time Intelligence in DAX

Introduction to business intelligence

Introduction to data analysis & data visualization

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Who Should Attend

  • Anyone working with big data and need to analyze and visualize it in professional report. Anyone who wants to tell a story using data by using visuals graphs and charts. Any excel user who wants to improve his knowledge and techniques by using better and smarter tools to do daily tasks.

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Beacon FinTrain is a guiding light in finance, providing insightful advice and support to navigate the complexities of financial markets and regulations.


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Adapting to the dynamic finance sector, we offer versatile services and solutions that align with the evolving needs of our clients.