
The paradigms are shifting for businesses, and stakeholders are gradually pushing for
greater ESG (Environmental, social, governance) responses.
An organization's success is no longer only about profit maximization but also value
This course is designed for businesses to guide them to creating value through ESG by
developing a tangible and practical long-term plan. It also explains how to embed ESG
principles into strategy and operations, which will make businesses more prepared for
the future

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Apply a proactive approach to solving known and future sustainability challenges by developing innovative strategies and frameworks

Show understanding of current sustainability policies to incorporate policydevelopments and manage future policy developments as they emerge

Articulate how your organization's activities relate to ESG aspects of business and further link to sustainability initiative

Identify change opportunities to bridge sustainability gaps and shape yourorganization's behavior through an action plan to conduct effective sustainabilityinitiatives.

Identifying opportunities for change within their organization to address sustainability gaps effectively


Developed by: Beacon FinTrain

Total Hours: 18 Hrs

Language: English - Bilingual "English & Arabic"

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  • What is ESG
  • Demand for ESG
  • Benefits of a Strong ESG Program
  • ESG Risks
  • Sustainable Investing
  • sustainable investing approaches

  • Understanding ESG Principles
  • Explanation of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria and their significance
  • Importance of integrating ESG considerations into business practices
  • Overview of global sustainability trends and frameworks

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Who Should Attend

  • Sustainability and CSR professionals
  • Corporate communications practitioners
  • Investor relations practitioners
  • CSR and Sustainability report authors and contributors
  • SMEs and first-time reporters
  • Companies interested in starting on their sustainability journey

Why Beacon


Beacon FinTrain prioritizes excellence in every service, ensuring top-notch, reliable, and consistent outcomes that meet and exceed client expectations.


We focus on finance, offering expert knowledge and bespoke solutions that cater to the unique needs of finance professionals in the Middle East and Africa.


Time is money. We respect deadlines, delivering precise and timely results to help our clients stay ahead in the fast-paced financial world.


Beacon FinTrain is a guiding light in finance, providing insightful advice and support to navigate the complexities of financial markets and regulations.


We uphold the highest ethical standards, fostering trust and transparency in all our dealings to build lasting relationships with clients.


Adapting to the dynamic finance sector, we offer versatile services and solutions that align with the evolving needs of our clients.