
We frequently negotiate, but the finance department is the one place where it matters the most. Almost all of our conversations take place in the context of significant long-term commercial relationships, whether you are arguing over departmental budgets, dealing with the bank, or talking about a customer's payment terms. This course teaches you how to prepare for successful negotiations where both you and the other party feel you have won. It also discusses how to increase your chances of obtaining what you need without jeopardizing the relationships you value.

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• Understand negotiation dynamics and how to prepare for uncertainty

• Understand the context for negotiations in finance

• Learn to craft agile strategy and be quick on your feet in changing circumstances

• Discover the different types of personalities and how to deal with them


Developed by: Beacon FinTrain

Total Hours: 16 Hrs

Language: English - Bilingual "English & Arabic"

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• Define what constitutes negotiated success
• Understand the challenges and constraints facing any negotiator
• Explore positional barter, its traits, and limitations
• Recognise the traits of successful Negotiators and the mistakes that negotiators make

• Negotiation in finance
• Possible outcomes

• Good negotiators
• Behaviors of successful negotiators
• Key negotiation skills
• Developing the right skillset

• Handling tricky situations
• Objections and difficulties
• Common mistakes in negotiations
• Aggressive negotiators
• Getting people to agree

• The process of negotiating
• The key to successful trades
• Constants and variables
• Trading concessions
• The magic words
• Common negotiation tactics

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Who Should Attend

  • This course is designed to lead to practical skills to enable the finance team to become competent and confident in their negotiations. Therefore
  • anyone who wishes to improve their negotiation skills will benefit from attending.

Why Beacon


Beacon FinTrain prioritizes excellence in every service, ensuring top-notch, reliable, and consistent outcomes that meet and exceed client expectations.


We focus on finance, offering expert knowledge and bespoke solutions that cater to the unique needs of finance professionals in the Middle East and Africa.


Time is money. We respect deadlines, delivering precise and timely results to help our clients stay ahead in the fast-paced financial world.


Beacon FinTrain is a guiding light in finance, providing insightful advice and support to navigate the complexities of financial markets and regulations.


We uphold the highest ethical standards, fostering trust and transparency in all our dealings to build lasting relationships with clients.


Adapting to the dynamic finance sector, we offer versatile services and solutions that align with the evolving needs of our clients.