
This comprehensive Excel workshop provides participants with essential skills and foundational knowledge. Starting with the basics, it covers data entry, editing, and formatting, along with managing worksheets and practical case studies. Participants will learn about Excel tables, advanced functions like LOOKUP and INDEX, and financial functions such as NPV and IRR.
The workshop also explores workbook layout, customization options, and basic financial analysis tools. Practical case studies are integrated throughout to reinforce learning and ensure participants gain hands-on experience with both basic and advanced Excel features.

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Learn how to master Excel by using better formulas, right shortcuts, and functions.

Learn the most common Excel functions used in the Office.

Follow best practices and speed up your process with more efficiency.

Achieve consistent and accurate outputs using SMART best practices.

Learn efficient techniques to deliver more analysis, faster and more accurately.


Developed by: Beacon FinTrain

Total Hours: 18 Hrs

Language: English - Bilingual "English & Arabic"

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  • Workbook
  • Worksheets
  • Cell name
  • Formula bar
  • Ribbon
  • Practical case study

  • Options
  • Formatting
  • Formulas
  • Advanced
  • Protection
  • Practical case study.

  • Format, background, special numbers, column width, freeze panes
  • Paste Special, Font Colors, Format Numbers, Sum
  • Percentages, fill right, font colors, borders, view gridlines
  • Practical case study

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Who Should Attend

  • Financial Analysts
  • Data Analysts
  • Accountants
  • Professionals who require advanced Excel skills for financial modeling
  • Individuals managing projects who need to track progress, budget, and resources using Excel.

Why Beacon


Beacon FinTrain prioritizes excellence in every service, ensuring top-notch, reliable, and consistent outcomes that meet and exceed client expectations.


We focus on finance, offering expert knowledge and bespoke solutions that cater to the unique needs of finance professionals in the Middle East and Africa.


Time is money. We respect deadlines, delivering precise and timely results to help our clients stay ahead in the fast-paced financial world.


Beacon FinTrain is a guiding light in finance, providing insightful advice and support to navigate the complexities of financial markets and regulations.


We uphold the highest ethical standards, fostering trust and transparency in all our dealings to build lasting relationships with clients.


Adapting to the dynamic finance sector, we offer versatile services and solutions that align with the evolving needs of our clients.